For an action plan for vocals, I mentioned within my goals that I will practice a lot at home with vocal warm ups and improve my vocal range, to continue from this while I work on my piano skills I will also practice on my vocal skills. I will look into online teaching into how I can healthy belt for example- Healthy Belting VideoThrough help with becoming a healthier with quitting smoking, making sure I warm up every-time I'm going to sing to ensure vocal consistently as well as meditate/stretch to ensure a relaxed body/mind. To quit smoking I will begin onto a vaporizer as is not harmful to vocals/lungs then completely go cold turkey to ensure better lung capacity. To ensure I warm up before I sing I will use my piano playing to help me warm up by doing scales and trills and massaging face as-well as throat to relax muscles which help you sing. I will then begin to meditate daily to help release the body from tension/ relax my mind. I will do this by lighting candles and listening to meditation music. Videos i will use include- Correctly warming up vocals
I will work on my mic technique by practicing during rehearsals that my vocals sound projected enough and watch back on videos of myself preforming to check I'm using the technique to the best of my ability.
PASS: The practice posts are excellent, well done! The vocal goals you have included are specific and well-considered although you do need to included 5 minimum for your vocal development throughout the year. The action plan did not show a clearly defined route or pathway that allows us to see how you will achieve your goals. You have included some useful things (like the warm up video and the safely belting video but there doesn't seem to be a clear link between your specified vocal goals.) The action plan needs to act as a a schedule of vocal exercises that you have put together in order to help you achieve your vocal targets.
ReplyDeleteBe sure to answer the following for EACH vocal goal:
- What is my current status with this goal?
- What exercises do I need to do to assist me in achieving this goal?
- How often am I going to practice specified exercises?
- How am I going to prove I am making progress?
- Do I have a deadline and will you review your progress along the way?