Sunday, 6 December 2015

Lesson 4

The Good, Bad And Ugly (Vocals)

Today in our lesson we learnt about what is good,bad and ugly for our voices and how each can affect/help in each way. This lesson helped me understand what can help for making myself healthier for my instrumental goals, I believe making the small changes of stopping smoking and drinking water will benefit my voice hugely long term.


  • Yawning- Relaxes the voice and works the abdominal muscles. 
  • Steam- Good way to hydrate the voice in short bursts
  • Water at room temperature- Good for hydration 
  • Singing- is safe if correct technique is used.


  • Cold water- Can cause muscle tension which may lead to vocal problems. 
  • Spicy food- Can cause acid reflux which can be problematic for the voice.
  • Dairy products- Can cause excess mucus production which can affect voice control.


  • Whispering- Is very bad for the voice as too much air is forced through the larynx which is drying and can cause fatigue. 
  • Shouting- Over extended periods can lead to vocal damage.
  • Throat sweets- Cause vocal fold numbness.
  • Smoking- Irritates and dries the tissue of the throat, particularly the vocal tract. It can also promote acid reflux and decrease lung function.
  • Alcohol- Causes severe dehydration.
  • Clearing throat- It forces vocal folds to meet abruptly.

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